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DNA isolation products

With DNA isolation products a researcher is able to do a proper analysis of the genetic sample in question. GC Biotech offers a lot of tools and devices for DNA or RNA isolation in the field of genomics. We distribute many advanced technologies and laboratory automation applications. This way you, as a scientist, can do reliable experiments and analysis of genetic and epigenetic material.

On our website you can find more about automated robots for plate handling, sampling and liquid distribution. We have nanodrop devices which can accurately create vials with the right amount of genetic substance. And there are of course many more things we offer for your research on genes. So in case you want to isolate nucleic acids you can buy your RNA and DNA isolation kits and purification solutions at GC Biotech.

Laboratory automation

Laboratory automation is import for genomics studies if one wants to step up the level. DNA separation and isolation on a small scale can be done manually with the right tools and reagents. On a bigger scale an automated process to isolate RNA, DNA, nucleic acids and other genetic material is preferable over manual labour. GC Biotech offers many machines and liquid handling robots. This biotechnological laboratory equipment can make the life of a scientist in the field of biochemistry, biomolecular studies or other study involving genomics a whole lot easier. So it’s adviceable to check out GC Biotech’s webshop for automation products which can aid RNA and DNA isolation.

Advanced technology for genomics

Besides DNA isolation kits, nucleic acid mixes and reagents we, as a biotech company, sell many advanced technological products for genomics. In order to get great results one needs great devices. Our automation platforms, nanodrop robots and quality control systems offer everything a serious life science researcher needs to get reliable outcomes. So if you want to study genes, purify and isolate nucleic acids, and isolate DNA and RNA one should take a look at GC Biotech’s store for isolation kits and advanced technology for genomics.